This morning we did our first station in about 95 meters (310 feet) of water at a location about 15 miles south of the Mississippi River delta. We got all of our pumping equipment working and also were successful with our bottom-trip sampler. The bottom-trip sampler has a simple mechanism that “feels” the bottom and closes two water sampling bottles so that we get water from within a few feet above the sediments.
From this first station, we then headed into the river, entering Southwest Pass, the largest of the delta outlets. We collected samples as the salinity decreased to nearly fresh water. By dinner time we were at Venice (Louisiana, not Italy) which is as far down the Mississippi River that one can get by road. This being Halloween night, many people jokingly suggested we head into New Orleans for some trick-or-treating. However, ship time is not cheap and this is being paid for by a government grant, so work calls. We’re headed back down river, it being the turn for Jim’s group to sample.
In honor of Halloween being our first day at sea, my “costume” consisted of a napkin converted into an image of a Dramamine bottle which was then taped to my chest, and I gave a suitably sick look. There were others who brought wigs for a good laugh. And then, my tech carved a pumpkin to look like me. I am now munching on the roasted seeds from that pumpkin. Does this mean I’m eating my brains? How suitably ghoulish!