Friday, May 2, 2008

How to Sample pt. 2

Our pump shorted out today.  So, we have only been able to sample surface water.  We have been able to use the ship's midas pump in deep water, but in shallow water we have been reduced to throwing buckets overboard.  Tomorrow a boat is supposed to meet us at our first station with a new pump.  We will then be able to sample multiple depths again.
We began sampling sediment tonight.  We used a box corer, which digs down into the sea floor, to get the sediment on board.
Once the box sampler is back on board, we can take a subsample with a piece of pvc pipe.  WE then make a seal on the top and bottom of the pvc, which keeps the sediment in.  We can then push the sediment up through removable rings at the top of the pipe.  We then put the mud pies in zip lock bags with labels.  We can then test extrude and measure pore water.  We can also test the sediment for radium.

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